Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wonderful day...

, originally uploaded by daniellehampton.

Today was such a beautiful day, and we are already winding down and heading to sleep so we can have another celebration tomorrow! Hank's birthday! We are going to be spending the day in NYC, shopping, enjoying good food...and seeing one of my dearest friends Emily! I am so excited.

Our anniversary today was awesome though, and thanks so much to all of you for your sweet words and kind wishes. We slept in a bit, then went to lunch at Sentosa's, a veggie restaurant about fifteen miles away. It was really delicious. Afterward we spent the afternoon on the boardwalk eating some yummy dessert and walking around. We got home and decided to go on a long run, which turned into a longer walk and talk following the run, and now we're pooped! It was super fun today reminiscing about our special day one year ago. It's so exciting to think about the next million. We have a lot of big things coming up in this next year and I feel very fortunate to have an amazing partner in life to share all of these things with. Today was a great day to remind ourselves of how lucky we are and we definitely had a wonderful time doing so!

Happy Anniversary!

As of today, it's been one year of wedded bliss! It's been an amazing year, and I can't wait for a million more. I love you Hank!

perfect lighting









Saturday, May 30, 2009

Significado das flores, Violeta, Papoula, Anêmona, Margarida e Cravo

As diferentes formas, cores e cheiros das flores originaram muitas associações e mitos. Inocência, doçura, serenidade e cura são representações comuns das flores.

A Violeta tem um certo destaque na mitologia grega e durante as épocas medievais significavam a fidelidade no amor, casta e humilde. Entretanto, na antiga Roma a violeta era usada em funeráis, e ainda hoje, sua cor púrpura significa lamentos.

A Papoula e a Anêmona estão relacionadas ao sono e a morte. Durante duas guerras eram símbolos dos soldados caídos nos campos de batalha. No mito de Afrodite, a Anêmona foi gerada a partir das lágrimas de lamentação de Afrodite pela morte de Adônis. Na idade média a Anêmona simbolizava também a proteção contra mal. Acredita-se que as fadas repousam entre as pétalas da Anêmona. Já a Papoula simboliza o sono.

A Margarida exala uma natural simplicidade. A flor é o símbolo da inocência e tem também conotação de amor perpetuo. Entretanto, acredita-se que a flor pode trazer azar se for trazida à casa.

Símbolo da fertilidade e do amor, o Cravo-Branco é sempre presente nos casamentos. O Cravo-Vermelho representa um coração ferido e o Cravo-Amarelo é empregado nos momentos de rejeições.

Significado das Borboletas

As borboletas relacionam-se a alma e anunciam momentos felizes. Já as mariposas podem significar momentos de tristeza, entretanto as duas relacionam-se à alma.

Para os gregos e egípcios, a alma que deixa o corpo, tem o formato de uma borboleta. Borboleta e espírito significam em Grego psique, que tem como sua representanção uma criança com asas de borboleta.

Os astecas consideravam as borboletas como o "sopro vital" espelido pela boca do falecido, também liga-se a divindade Itzpapalotl, resultado do cruzamento entre uma borboleta e uma mulher. Tal simbologia é relacionada à metamorfose da borboleta e representa a saída do túmulo, ou casulo, para o renascer.

Muitos orientais também crêem na ligação do ciclo vital das borboletas com a passagem do mundo dos mortos para o mundo dos vivos. Em terras japonesas as borboletas são consideradas espíritos “viajantes“ que anunciam visitas de parentes ou mortes. Entretanto, se encontrar duas borboletas juntas, fique feliz, pois representa felicidade no casamento.

Os vietnamitas acreditam que as borboletas são a expressão da vida longa.

Com vários significados diferentes as borboletas, sobretudo as coloridas, estão entre as tatuagens femininas mais procuradas nos estúdios de tatuagem. Se você está a procura da borboleta ideal para sua tatuagen, veja a pesquisa por borboletas do site Olhares, são centenas de fotos de borboletas com ótima qualidade fotográfica.

O Dragão na cultura oriental

O Dragão é presente em diversos sutras, livros sagrados da religião Budista. O animal mítico aparece no nome de um mestre indiano, Nagarjuna. Nos sânscrito Naga significa Dragão. Esta cultura foi absorvida pela China, onde Naga representa uma pessoa dotada de energia e muitas qualidades.

O Dragão, ou Naga guarda o Dharma, ou Darma, a base das práticas, filosofias e crenças indianas. Nas manhãs são cantados Sutras, registros dos ensinamentos orais de Buda Gautama, em oferenda à oito Reis-Dragões. Na cultura indiana o Dragão também representa a transformação. O Portal do Dragão é um bom exemplo, pois simboliza a entrada de um Monge Budista para um mosteiro.

No oceano ou grandes rios estão escondidos os Dragões-Azuis e os Dragões-Pretos. A missão destes Dragões é guardar preciosas pérolas ainda não manifestadas, guardadas fielmente entre as suas mandíbulas.

Já o Dragão-Voador encontrou o exato momento da iluminação e após muito praticar foi-lhe permitido aparecer para a humanidade. Este Dragão simboliza a realização.

Os Dragões muitas vezes são representados com chamas e nuvens que os guiam até os céus. As nuvens representam as dificuldades, conflitos e problemas que surgem durante a vida, mas que gera grande força necessárias à um legítimo Monge Budista. O nome Dragão-do-Céu é atribuído à muitos templos.

Se você gostou desta publicação, confira também Os Mistérios dos Dragões.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Pin-ups de Quelita

Priscilla de Carvalho passou aqui pelo blog para convidar-nos a sua exposição "Pin-ups de Quelita". A paranaense expôs suas obras em 2008 no SESC Paraná e agora expõe na Livraria Porto do Shopping Catuaí, Paraná. Suas obras serão exibidas de 25/05 à 08/06 das 10:00 às 22:00hs. Os interessados nas obras de Priscilla de Carvalho devem entrar em contato pelo telefone (43)9984-2456.

Para conhecer algumas Pin-ups de Priscilla visite o site:

Curso on-line de Esterilização, Limpeza e Desinfecção de Artigos

Abertas as inscrições para o Curso Básico de Esterilização, Limpeza e Desinfecção de Artigos Médico-Hospitalares da NÓS - Negócios, Oportunidades e Serviços.

Curso on-line com 60 dias de duração e carga horária de 40hs. Cinquenta e cinco capítulos dividos em onze módulos compoem o curso que oferece material de apoio e links para consultas. O curso dispõe ainda de fórum com acesso aos professores, avaliações e certificação do IBTF (Instituto Brasileiro de Educação e Tecnologia de Formação a Distância).

Promoção válida até o dia 18/06/09, investimento total R$48,30.

Visite o site do curso para conhecer o conteúdo programático, instrutora e demais informações pertinentes.

Coordenação Projeto TSPV
Telefone: 11-4612-9448 / 4612-0410

1ª Balneario Camboriú Needles Fest

1º Balneario Camboriu Needles Fest

A Balneario Camboriú Needles Fest será a 1ª Convenção Internacional de Tattoo e Piercing de Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina. O evento foi idealizado por: Piercer Snoopy do estúdio Polaco Tattoo, André Tenório do estúdo Fine Arts e Dirceu do estúdio Dermografite. A idéia é fazer um evento onde não serão julgados os trabalhos dos tatuadores. Esta é uma mobilização mundial para o resgate da Cultura da Tatuagem e da Body Art em geral.

A convenção se realizará no Sibara Flat, um hotel conjugado a um ótimo centro de convenções, facilitando assim, o acesso dos expositores à Balneario Camboriú Needles. Será realizada também uma inesquecível festa para os expositores em uma embarcação pirata típica.

Abaixo imagens do hotel, mapa dos estandes, tatuadores confirmados, data, local, contatos e apoios.

Tatuadores confirmados

Black Bad Trip Tattoo - Argentina, Coreta Tattoo - Argentina, Cebolas Tattoo, Conrado Tattoo, Cruel, Daniel Novais, Diogo Quadrados, Dorme Tattoo, Du Andrade, Galo Tattoo, Gilmar Rodrigues, Jander Tattoo, Julio Dark Vision, Junas Tattoo, Leandro Tattoo, Mauricio Teodoro, Néias Tattoo, Nori Tattoo - Japão, Rafinha Tattoo, Ramsés Tattoo, Ratinho Tattoo, Rattoo, Ricardo Tattoo, Ray Tattoo, Scott Tattoo, Snoopy Tattoo e Thiago Tattoo.

11, 12 e 13 de Dezembro de 2009

Sibara Flat, Hotel e Convenções
Av.: Brasil, nº 1500

E-mail: /
Telefones: (47) 3366-5936, 3366-5936, 9102-9599
Site oficial:

Polaco Tattoo Shop, Tattoo Care, Brazilian Steel, SETAP, Iron Works Brasil, Jawi e RTI.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Significado das fadas na mitologia e tatuagens

Conhecidas como as fêmeas dos elfos, as fadas são seres míticos da cultura Celta. Retratada como uma pessoa pequena dotada de magias a fada personifica os desejos humanos. As fadas são escolhidas muitas vezes como tatuagem, simbolizando a juventude inocente ou apresentando ao mundo a criança que existe em cada um de nós.

Oriunda de fata, ou destino em Latin a palavra fada liga-se com frequência ao destino imprevisível e por isto, muitas vezes as fadas são usadas como um amuleto que mantém nosso presente equilibrado, banindo os inconvenientes de nossas vidas.

As fadas são divididas em Fadas dos Temporais e Sílfides, ou Fadas das Nuvens. São relacionadas ao elemento Ar, as Sílfides são muito inteligentes e direcionam luzes às plantas, gostam de pessoas e animais, e muitas vezes agem como guias ou protetoras destas pessoas. Dotadas de muita energia, as Fadas das Tempestades estão presentes nos picos das grandes montanhas e florestas, muitas vezes são vistas em grupos e só vão até a superfície a floresta quando há ventania.

A popularidade das fadas é tamanha que muitas vezes designa o nome de Conto de Fadas a qualquer história com muitos simbolismos e magias. Com seu ar inocente, dotada de magias e cercada de mistérios as fadas estão entres os seres míticos preferidos pelas crianças e muitas vezes tatuadas por mulheres em busca de temas femininos em suas tatuagens.

Para conhecer um pouco mais a cerca das Fadas antes de tatuar-se, confira os três links abaixo.
Site da Disney com informações sobre a fada Tinker Bell (Sininho) e suas amigas Mary, Silvermist, Rosetta, Iridessa, Fawn e Rainha Clarion.
Sáiba um pouco mais sobre os hábitos, alimentação, vestimentas e conheça as fadas Dília e Fada Morgana.
O site relata o caso de Frances Griffiths, uma garotinha de 10 anos nascida na inglaterra que em 1917 havia supostamente sido fotografada junto a quatro fadas por sua irmã Elsie Wright.
Se quer aventurar-se nos desenhos de fadas e talvez até desenhar a fada que será tatuada por você, não deixe de visitar o site Dragoart, neste link encontram-se cinco tutoriais com o passo-a-passo da criação de belas fadas.

Hello from the Jersey shore!

I am sitting in the car in the parking lot of the grocery store waiting for everyone to come out, so I thought I would write a quick little blog post! We just arrived and it's so nice to be back on the beach. Our place is beachfront, so we just walk right down the stairs and there we are. We have a large deck with loungers that I can't wait to utilize tomorrow.
Vermont was awesome, I was really sad to say goodbye this morning but I know we'll be back soon. It was so fun to spend so much time outside and have so much relaxation time. I took a lot of photos between the Canon and the Nikon and I spent some of our drive today looking through all of them. I think though as I've gotten older I'm more prone to motion sickness because after staring at my computer or reading I start to feel a little icky. I hate that!
So now we're heading back, groceries and family are in the car and we are navigating down the 37. It's 6pm right now and I think the only plans for tonight are a nice run! I am signing off but I hope all of you have a great night!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Today was a beautiful day. Tomorrow we head back down to the shore and I am so excited to be on the beach. I've had so much time to think these past few days and reflect on so much, and I'm in a good place right now. Spending time with my family is the most important thing to me, and it really makes you realize what exactly is most important in life. Re-evaluating things, making plans, it's all been happening as I've been enjoying so much time outside. As trite as it is, I have to say it- there's so much beauty in the world when we just slow down and enjoy it. I know I am guilty of rushing through things so its nice to get a reminder to slow, slow it down. My birthday is in two days, our wedding anniversary is in three, and Hank's birthday is the next day. What a weekend coming up! I am going to keep enjoying myself, relaxing, and getting rid of those last little lingering negative thoughts in my head. I'm almost there. I'm finally at a point in my life where I love who I am, physically and emotionally, and it's an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Sure, the ups and downs come, but at 26 I am comfortable with me, and love my own company. These may be too much self-rambling for some of you, so thanks for reading if you did! I hope all of you are having a wonderful evening and loving the start to your summer!

Série de desenhos para tattoos, Luciano Hilario

Meu nome é Luciano Hilario, moro em Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, faço séries para estúdios de tattoos e caricaturas. Trabalho também com retratos realistas!

Amo a arte da tattoo.

Luciano Hilário
E-mails: ou

Green green grass

garden, originally uploaded by daniellehampton.

Hello blogger friends! I have been super busy these last few days so I haven't had that much time to blog, but I have managed to upload photos to my flickr. I am always so worried that my pictures will all get deleted so I am religious about uploading them the same day. Between all of us, we have taken a million photos of our trip thus far, and we still have two weeks to go! We are staying at my Aunt and Uncle's house and it's truly been heaven these past few days. Right now some of the fam is at a motorcycle exhibit but I can't wait 'til they get home- my Uncle Paul is a major photographer for the NY Times, and he's giving us pointers and a lesson on our new Nikon camera tonight! I'm so stoked. We've had the camera for awhile (Christmas) but the only thing it's been used for is photographing Hank's toys. So today we will get the rundown and I can't wait. This entire week has been chock full of great family time, trail runs, outdoor enjoyment, sailing, and eating amazing food. I can't even begin to go into all of the fun we've been having. I come to Vermont a lot, and everytime it's better and better. I could live here, for sure! I'm not going to post a million pictures in this entry (just one of me to say HI!) so go to my flicker to see the rest if you're so inclined! Tomorrow morning we are heading down to the beach house on the Jersey shore and I am so so excited for beach time for two weeks. I will try and blog a bit later about a more detailed rundown of the trip!

If you want to check out all of my vacation photos you can visit-!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bárbara do Lago, Tattoo de Borboleta, Escrita e Realista

Na segunda participação de Bárbara do Lago, a tatuadora enviou ao blog fotos de uma tatuagem realista, uma homenagem à Paranhos e uma borboleta.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

mobile blogging

I don't mobile blog too often, but I'm in the car for another few hours so I thought, why not? We got into Newark last night around 1:30am and stayed at the Marriott by the airport. When we arrived in our room, one of my Dad's friends had sent up a cheese and fruit platter, with a bottle of wine. It was really sweet, the beds were super comfortable and the hotel was quiet. It was a nice place to rest our heads. When we first booked this trip, we didn't anticipate going up to Vermont right away so that's why we didn't elect to fly into Burlington like we usually do. Due to my all of my father's Asian travels and our vacations we always fly on points so it was too much of a headache to change it. So that is why we are currently driving through upstate NY! Hank flies into Burlington tonight and we will all be staying at my Aunt's beautiful lake house until Wednesday. Then we'll be down at the shore. My parents are leaving for the Carribbean next week too while we're still at the beach house in NJ.
I am just loving being back "home" so much. We moved to AZ when I was 14, so all of my memories growing up are from back here. If Hank and I didn't already have a wonderful life and his career in Prescott, I would love to live in Vermont or upstate NY. My uncle live up here in NY and I love where he lives. I'd want to get some land and just lead a simple life raising a family. I can't get enough of all of the green trees- it's the major thing I missed when we moved to AZ, but luckily Prescott has tons of forests and beauty as well. I am not a desert girl at all, and I guess I only lived in the desert for 4 years, because I went up to college at NAU as soon as I graduated high school. I've never realized just how short of a time span I actually lived in Mesa, weird. But anyway, I love it here!
I'm sitting here, watching the trees go by, listening to The Gaslight Anthem. I cannot get enough of this band- the sound, the lyrics, I love them. And plus, they're from New Brunswick, where I was born! :)
I'm going to take a little nap but I'm definitely going to be blogging and taking photos throughout this trip so stay tuned! Happy Memorial Weekend to all of you!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birthday video

I just taught myself how to use IMovie on my Mac, and I made this silly/cute little video from photos and video clips from the evening. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wonderful Weekend, Part 2

So after we got home well after 3am following the my bday party, we all headed to sleep pretty quickly. My sister was heading to Vegas the next morning so she had a long day ahead of her and needed sleep! Saturday morning Ambs and I woke up super late, around 11:30. I haven't done that in so long and it's weird to feel like the entire day had already gone by. It really reminded me of why I am such an early riser! We headed out to my hair appointment at Erika's so I could get my color freshened up for our trip, then we stopped by a couple shops on the way home. That night was Shirley's birthday party so we got back and started getting ready. I love that Shirl and I have birthdays so close to one another, we are already talking about the huge joint bash we're doing for our 30th! It' not for 3 years, but we are thinking a destination birthday of some sort! :)

So we got ready and headed out to Sens, which is a tapas restaurant in downtown Phoenix. We arrived and I got to see so many happy faces, including Emily, who is due to have her daughter in about a month! I am so excited, and everytime I am around her it gets me really excited to one day be in the same place. Shirley, Adam, Alana, Chad, Erin and Jeff decided to take the lightrail from Tempe so they arrived a bit late, but when they got there we started to decide what we wanted to order. I had actually never had tapas before so it was fun to look through all of our options. Between everyone's dishes I got to try quite a few things and they were all excellent. It was a really perfect place for a group dinner, and I could imagine it would be even more perfect for a date night! I can't wait to take Hank- there are a few really tasty veggie dishes I think he'd love. Shirley was glowing all night, basking in the birthday love, and she seemed to have a wonderful time. After dinner we walked over to the Roosevelt for a glass of wine/beer and hung out a bit more. Some of Jeff's coworkers were going out on Mill, so we all headed that way and ended up at Rula Bula. Totally cute bar with awesome live Irish music...but total d-bag central, which is granted being that we were in ASU-land. Amber and I took off to get some Mojo Yogurt (we hadn't tried it yet), and both the Isis and Earth Crisis shows were over so Hank and some friends came down to meet us. We walked around for awhile then ended up at Slices, where everyone who was at Rula Bula came down to have pizza too. All in all it was a wonderful evening, and what's better than celebrating the birth of your best friend?

Here are photos from the night -

obligatory photobooth pics, of course!
before shirley's birthday party

ambie and me

waiting for friends to arrive
too cute

summer dress!

Shirley and Emily (with Camryn in her belly!)
shirl and emily

Shirley and her bf Adam
shirl and adam

some of the girls
the girls


one of the dishes Amber ordered...yummy tofu
yummy tofu!

Erin and me
love her

the table

Stacey and Shirley
stacey and shirley

Emily, the beautiful Mom-to-be!
baby camryn! due june 10th

Amber and my yogurt later in the evening...I am a total fan of Mojo now (thanks Janay!)
mojo yogurt...mmm

outside Slices
at slices

the birthday girl...after a long night! :)
the birthday girl enjoying some pizza at 2am!