and found that my friend Silje had sent me THE MOST thoughtful surprise present ever, along with the sweetest card. I was so blown away and touched, and just really amazed that she took time to paint such a beautiful painting for me! Thank you so much Silje, you are the best and you totally made my day, week, month, etc.
How perfect is this painting?! It's Madeline! I can't wait to frame it tomorrow and find a perfect spot on the wall for it.
In other happy news, while out today I bought a few adorable nail polishes and a new hair product that I am definitely going to review and share tomorrow. I just attempted to take photos of the polishes but the colors don't look right in the artificial light, so tomorrow morning I will be sure to post those. Right now Hank is off at Poker Night with the dudes, so I am enjoying a quiet night in. I skipped dinner out with friends at Hugo's to workout, and I was a little bummed because I crave their green corn tamales daily, but my sweet hubby came home and dropped one off for me while I was at the gym, complete with a note saying I love you. Awww. So now I'm just hanging out- I just finished up a feature on our wedding for a friend's blog, so as soon as that is posted I'll share the link. Tomorrow is the first day Hank's had off in a long time, so we'll either stay in bed all day, or get up and do brunch, go to the movies, etc. It's all up to him, so we'll see. If you can believe it, I still haven't seen Dear John! So that's on my to-watch list, along with Shutter Island, Alice in Wonderland, and a handful of other movies.
In the meantime, I hope all of you had a fantastic day and are having a wonderful night. See you tomorrow!
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