Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Festivities

I am so incredibly tired and kinda-sorta in nap mode, so I thought I would blog about my morning with our family before I went to sleep for an hour or so! My parents and sister arrived early this morning, and we all walked the 5 minute walk down to the funeral home where everything was set up for the parade. Prescott's parade is the epitome of small-town cuteness and its always a great time.

It was a truly beautiful day, blue skies and sunny- about 75 degrees with a slight breeze.
beautiful sky

cute old people

cupcakes galore

hot dogs and veggie dogs
hot dog/veggie dogs

Sarah and me, in our extremely festive, American decorations :)
love her


Hank's Dad riding with the Sheriff's Posse
hank's dad up close!


Hank and his Dad Butch- one of my favorite people!
i love this photo

my whole side of the family
the whole family

hula hooping - so fun

this picture makes me giggle everytime I look at it :D
the two men in my life ;)


after the parade, walking around the square
all of us

my sister is so pretty!
beautiful sister

my hubby

And here is a little video I took as well!

Overall it was the best day, and if you'd like to see more photos there are a lot on my flickr. My sister is seriously considering moving up here and I couldn't be happier! When my parents retire they plan on buying a house up here too and I can't wait for everyone to be in one place. Right now Sarah, Hank and I are pooped. Poor Sar's car broke down so she is on the phone trying to figure out a way to get it fixed, Hank is watching a movie and I am on my way to a little nap. The gym is closed today, but I am thinking of coercing Hank to go on a run with me, before fireworks.

Happy 4th of July everyone!


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